RimRoc Disposal


Event & Street Festival Waste Management

Street Festival Clean-Up

Street festivals are a lot of fun, but they can also create a lot of trash. From food vendors to packaging from local products, these local festivals have a strong needed for organized recycling and waste disposal. For those who organize street festivals and community gatherings, implementing a waste management can be overwhelming and confusing. Instead of taking on this monumental task yourself, let us worry about the clean-up.


Our Approach

At RimRoc Disposal, we have a decade of experience sorting through trash and transporting it for recycling or disposal. Our team of specialists has the expertise you need to create a waste management plan that is cost-effective, convenient, and sustainable. Our main goals are to make sure your event produces as little waste as possible and to recycle as much of the waste generated as we can. This way, you can dramatically reduce the environmental footprint of your event, helping make it a long-term tradition built on sustainability and environmental responsibility.


Clean-Up Crews

Our highly-trained clean-up crews have mastered the art of equipping street festivals and other public events with all of the necessary infrastructure for responsible waste management. This includes recycling bins, trash cans, and on-site cleaning professionals who keep the area clean and tidy throughout the event. Not only will this help keep the trash at your street festival organized and off the ground, but it will contribute to the long-term sustainability of street festivals in the local community.



Pre-Event and Post-Event Services

For your convenience, we offer comprehensive recycling and waste management services for all types of community events and street festivals. Our pre-event setup and during event clean-up teams ensure you have all of the equipment and manpower necessary to keep your event clean and organized.


Waste Management Bins

Beyond our clean-up crews, we can also provide bins for festival use. This will help your team keep your waste organized and your recycling sorted. By promoting these sustainable practices, you can minimize the amount of waste created by your festival. This directly impacts the amount of trash that ends up in your local landfills, helping you do your part to support your local community.



With countless food vendors and shops selling their goods, street festivals can create a great deal of waste. To combat this waste and help reduce the environmental footprint of your street festival, we aim to recycle as much material as possible. From food packaging to cans of pop, we provide street festivals with the recycling bins and dumpsters needed to collect your waste in an organized way.


From there, we will transport your recyclable material to the appropriate facility and have it processed so the material can be reintroduced in the local economy. At your request, we are happy to provide a team to sort through, organize, and transport your waste. This sustainable practice is meant to help encourage eco-friendly methods for hosting outdoor events, which both preserves the environment and minimizes the economic impact of consumption.


For more information about our street festival cleaning services, give us a call at (905) 769-0813.

Special Event Cleaning

The clean-up process is one of the most frequently overlooked aspects of many special events. From outdoor concerts to private weddings, these events can create a great deal of mess, and the clean-up process can be more complex than you would think. Our goal is to remove the burden of cleaning by creating a comprehensive waste management plan for your event. Not only can we provide the staff and equipment necessary to keep your event clean, but we can also create a plan to recycle as much waste as possible, minimizing the environmental impact of your event.


Our Approach

At RimRoc Disposal, we have a decade of experience sorting waste and transporting it for recycling and disposal. We have the expertise you need to create a waste management plan that is cost-effective, convenient, and sustainable, regardless of the size and location of your event. Our main goals are to make sure your event produces as little waste as possible and to recycle as much of the waste generated as we can. Our clean-up services are available for a wide variety of special events, including:


Weddings & Private Parties, Outdoor Festivals, Arena Events, Film Sets, Fundraisers, Grand Openings, Many more, Pre-Event Set-Up


Our team of waste management specialists will design a clean-up plan for your event before it even begins. We will estimate the amount of waste your event will create based on the number of attendees, the food and beverages served, and any other influential factors. From there, our staff will make sure your event is equipped with the necessary trash bins, recycling bins, and compost bins to contain the waste.


During-Event Clean-Up

Depending on the size and duration of your event, you may opt for a clean-up crew throughout the course of the days you are hosting. Our on-site clean-up crews can help maintain the cleanliness of your venue by picking up trash, sorting through garbage and recycling, and helping direct the process of collecting waste and sending it to the proper recycling facility or landfill. By employing a clean-up crew, you can ensure more of the waste created by your event ends up in bins bound for recycling, rather than trash bins destined for the landfill. This way, you’ll be able to minimize the environmental impact of your event.


Post-Event Services

After your event has concluded, our team will collect all waste bins on the property and sort through the material to ensure as much of it ends up in a recycling plant as possible. We pride ourselves on our ability to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in local landfills, and the sorting process is a crucial aspect in minimizing waste and promoting recycling. Beyond distributing the waste to the necessary facilities, our crews can also go over every inch of your indoor or outdoor venue to remove trash, cigarette butts, recycling, and any other material in the area. This way, you can be sure that you leave the venue as clean as when you first arrived.


For more information about our special event cleaning services, give us a call at (905) 769-0813.